Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vicki's got a brand new blog

One of the magazines I work for decided that each editor would have to write a blog. Oh, and we're supposed to post new things 2-3 times a week! HA

So I was the first to put something up, and if you'd like to read it, here's
the link

Actually, if you'd like to frequently read it, so that I get lots of hits, and become the Cool Editor, that would be great. I'm going to add the link to my toolbar on the right.


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here is a picture of the packaging I made for my friend Liz's present! It is a paper mache box covered in felt. The design is my original, but the concept to cover a box in felt is not my own.

Don't forget to read my new work blog. Often. :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005

still crafty after all these years

Imaginary blog readers (IBR): Vicki, why have't you posted lately, have you stopped crafting?

Vicki: heck no. I am very busy crafting some holiday projects. I'm making Christmas Cards and also creating cool packaging for a gift.

IBR: Let's see the pictures!

Vicki: I can't post pictures because the recipients might look at my blog before they get their cards in the mail.

IBR: Darn, we love seeing your blurry low-resolution pictures!

Vicki: Have no fear, I'll post a pic of the packaging on Monday and the card a few days after they mail.

IBR: So we have only your witty banter to look forward to reading?

Vicki: I guess so. Here are some links to keep you occupied:

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm in the Black!

I am now officially in the black.

I've been tracking my Net Worth since July, and I now, for the first time, have more assets than I owe. I have a net worth of...... $39.30!

I know. It's exciting! ;)

In other news, I made a little holder for my ipod and bus pass. This camera phone doesn't do the colors justice. It is actually a very attractive yellow and yellow-striped fabric.

Ipod, Bus pass holder
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Monday, November 28, 2005

another goal met

I did it. I saved up $269 for Christmas presents. I am stunned by how painless it was. Most of it was rebate money, ebay money, and cashback bonus money. I really only took $60 out of my checking account to start it.

The next short-term savings goal will be to save up for a digital camera -- but that's a project for next year. So any unexpected money will go straight to the emergency fund, which is not growing as fast as I'd like.

I spent the weekend in Kentucky with Mike's family, so i have no crafty news to report. I need to catch up with the laundry, cleaning, and grocery shopping.

Friday, November 18, 2005

2006 New Year's Resolution

I tend not to make "resolutions." I tend to create goals and projects for myself throughout the year. (Hence Project Vicki)

So I'm not really making a new year's resolution, I'm merely making a goal for 2006.

Here it goes:
I want to get published in 2006. I want to sell my craft ideas to magazines, get them published, and get paid.

The minimum goal is to have at least one thing publish.

I'm aiming to have one design published a month.

Reach for the stars:
And the best goal would be to publish enough to pay for a membership to the Society of Craft Designers. ($135) I was a member for one year, but it's too pricey for me.

I've decided that I will spend my commute time on the bus designing and writing instructions. I figure one idea a week is reasonable. After all, I'll be rejected more often than i'm accepted.

Feb 21, submitted Wedding card takes the cake to Paper Crafts Mag, by electronic submission.
March 31, submitted Wedding card to Fred Flare's next best thing.
June 21, submitted Bride's day (hand-carved bride stamp) to Paper Crafts Mag by electronic submission.
July 3, submitted Santa's Suit Favor Bags to Crafts N' Things magazine
July 18 - SUCCESS! Pack-o-Fun magazine wants to publish my santa's bags!!! I'm so tickled.

Sept 27 - received contract from Pack-o-Fun. Goal complete!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Goal complete!

I finished crocheting the hat.

Unfortunately, I didn't do a swatch before i started, so the hat is too small!

Here's what it should look like:

And here is what my hat looks like:

If anyone knows someone with a small head who would like a pink hat, it's theirs. No charge. I'll even mail it to you. Leave a comment. :)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Newspaper article quotes me! Yes, ME!

I just discovered an article which I was interviewed for a few months ago:

That is not what I said! Makes me sounds like a dufus, doesn't it?

having a good day!

I woke up this morning 21 minutes late. But otherwise it's been a great day!

Got a great parking spot because it's Veteran's day and all the federal employees are off.
I decide to take the elevator, and there's one waiting for me!
Then I check my email and I sold at textbook at Yay! $44.82 to the Christmas fund!

So now the challenge is to parlay the good vibes into finishing the nanotech article today.

Next week: I will reveal my New Year's Resolution 2006

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Today I am wearing navy blue socks and black shoes. (I can't explain it. I even double checked to make sure they were black socks, yet they were blue! Bad lighting, I guess)

Today I am going to work hard on my nanotechnology article.

Today I am going to choir practice even though I am starting to hate it.

Today I will not go grocery shopping and feel guilty about it.

Today I will want to extend my lunch to finish the latest Lemony Snicket book.

Today I might just do that.

Monday, November 07, 2005

This is not a hat.

There's good news and bad news.

Good news:
I made significant progress with my crocheting and finished the hat.

Bad news:
It looks nothing like a hat.

I knew as I was working on it that I was doing it wrong. I haven't crocheted in years. The yarn took some getting used to, and I realized half-way through I was slip stitching the rounds together and the directions said "Don't slip stitch rounds together" ha ha. (Gee, i wonder why it doesn't look like a hat?)

SO, I went ahead and made the little flower ties that go on the side, they look normal. And I guess I will start over with a new ball of yarn. I think I'll use the failed hat as a decoration on something else. It looks like a big floppy flower.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Goal updates

Time for a general update on the goals.

-I've added another financial goal. Save money for Christmas.
-The emergency money fund is steadily growing. Looks like I'll reach the goal in Feb.
-The credit card debt payoff plan is going splendidly. I pay $250 each month and it will be gone in March.
-I moved the "Do something creative" goal to the Accomplished section. I've done many creative things each month for over a year. I don't think there's any danger of me not doing something creative!
-I am actively crocheting a hat as we speak.
-I am not moving through the Woody Allen movies as quick as I should, but I am working on it.
-Photoshop, hmm, not sure why I haven't finished this. I've been reading at lunch instead of going to the computer room.

Goal: Set aside $265 for Christmas

I need approximately $265 for Christmas presents this year.
I'm going to set aside roughly $20 a week until Christmas.
I opened an account at Emigrant Direct with an 4% APY.

Oct 3: $20
Oct 17: (+$40) = $60
Oct 31: ($.10 interest) = $60.10
Nov 7: (+$36.51 eBay money) = $96.61
Nov 9: (+$0.38 PayPal deposits) = $96.99
Nov 11: (+$44.82 sale) = $141.81
Nov 19: (+$4.87 sale)
(+$59.00 refund check) = $205.68
Nov 20: (+$40 Discover cash back) = $245.68
Nov 21: (+$3.81 Amazon book sale) = $249.49
Nov 27: (+$19.83 eBay sales) = $269.32

GOAL COMPLETE! One month before Christmas! Time to start spending.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

me and Newt

I am spending the first part of this week at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit and one of the speakers was Newt Gingrich.

I am pretty much a liberal gal, and never imagined I'd be taking advice from Newt. BUT, here's what he said Monday night that has me thinking:
    Everytime someone asks you if something is possible, instead of saying, "No, it's not, because yadda yadda yadda..." try to give it a positive spin by saying, "Yes, it is, IF this happens..." This gives the other person a problem to solve instead of a flat-out rejection.

I need to change the way I react to people.

In other news, I am posting a picture of the bedroom shelves I made back in the spring. I've discovered that a lot of people come to Project Vicki after searching for Bedroom shelves, so I'm trying to make it worth their while. I've never posted with blogger photos, so let me know if the image doesn't work for ya.

Friday, October 21, 2005


It's Friday, you crazy cats and dolls!

I am looking forward to crocheting this weekend. I started a pink hat this week and I think I will be done shortly. I am making lots of mistakes, the yarn is hard to crochet with. In fact, after I finish, I might decide to make it again and try to get it right. Who knows. At least I'm doing it.

I've got some things up on ebay. Leftover craft pattern books and magazines I decided to get rid of.

Happy crafting.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Everyone loves blog entries with pictures. Since i'm doing such a bad job of crafting, here's a picture of me and Mike from his work's picnic.

Monday, October 10, 2005

"Cheese Gromit!"

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

We saw the new Wallace and Gromit movie yesterday and it was great! My family are big W&G fans and i was so excited when i heard it was coming out.

You all must go see it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Circle of Compassion

Circle of Compassion
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

At lunch today I popped over to City hall to see the sand mandala being made by Tibetan monks.

This is a terrible picture from my cell, but you can guess how intricate it all is.

Here's the link to a better picture and the story : Circle of Compassion.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Vicki, you are so great. What would we do without you?

I single-handedly prevented a big mistake (it was not MY mistake) from printing in the magazine today, and does anyone even say thanks? nah.
Guess I'll file it in my "I'm such a martyr" book. ;)

In other news, I realized that if I spent as much time crafting as I do reading crafty blogs, I'd be smokin!

I've been spending a lot of time in the craft room cleaning up, going through boxes, putting things away, watching Little House on the Prairie. I know it all sounds like an excuse, but getting my apartment organized and pretty is a priority for me. And I'm waiting for my parents to bring up a big spacious desk. Ahhh, wonderful flat space....

Mike and I were in Vegas last week. We had an awesome time, but I didn't take a single picture. Not even a cell phone picture. Lame. We ate at the Tour Eiffel restaurant at the Paris, it was grand. Lost all the money I had earned for gambling, but it took a few days to disappear. We really liked playing the Blackjack tables.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

self portrait tuesday

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

This month's theme for Self Portrait Tuesday is self documentary portraits. Pictures of yourself doing things that define you.

Here is my first submission as "Vicki the Bug Killer." On the left is the body and about 500 legs of a creepy bug. (i call it a water bug, likes lakes and rivers) On the right are another 100 legs on my flip flop shoe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here's this week's Self Portrait.

September's theme is body parts.

Friday, September 16, 2005

loose change

Recently, a random stranger, Bailey, stopped by Project Vicki and left a comment. I decided to check out his blog too, which is all about his race against some one named Chris to see who can find $100 in change on the ground first. It looks to me like Chris has already won, with a total of $163.70 so far, while Bailey's at $54.16 after 200 or so days.

Isn't the blogosphere an interesting place?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

mid week

I haven't had much to say the last week. Things are progressing. I bought yarn for my crochet project, and have been practicing stitches. I also designed, printed, and mailed out "I Moved!" postcards to my family. I keep busy making messes at night and then cleaning them up quickly before i head for work. In a nutshell, I'm pretty boring!

But on a good note, my security deposit from the old apartment came back $140 higher than I thought! That's real good news for paying off my computer bill. Looks like I won't have to dip into savings at all.

I'm getting frustrated at work. I think it's the time of year when I need a day off. But I'm going to Vegas in two weeks so there won't be any days off. I'll make it, I always do.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


The ultimate of being successful is the luxury of giving
yourself the time to do what you want to do.

-- Leontyne Price, American Opera Singer

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Goal: Knit or crochet something by Christmas

When I was in Bath, England 4 years ago, I picked up this great wool yarn in neat colors. At the time I had just taken both knitting and crochet classes. You know where the story goes from here, the yarn has sat in my closet since then, along with a few other balls of yarn that really haven't been touched.

As I was purging before the big move, i just couldn't part with this yarn. I haven't used it in 4 years, I haven't even crocheted or knitted in 4 years, but I just couldn't get rid of it.

So, dear readers, here is my new goal. I will knit or crochet a project, hopefully using the "Bath yarn," by Christmas of this year (Dec 25, 2005). But if I don't reach this goal, I will get rid of the yarn.

Hold me to it.

UPDATE: Nov 15:
I crocheted a hat! Goal accomplished.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Self portrait Tuesday

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here's a quickie of me at the office today.

I worked on unpacking just as I said I would last night. 45 minutes in each room. Making progress, but still lots to do. Tonight the cable gets hooked up! Yay, I get to see my crafty shows again! And connect to the internet on my new laptop. Woo hoo.

Monday, August 29, 2005

craft room update

in my last post i promised a progress update on setting up my craft room. well it isn't finished yet, but I did work on it this weekend. There's so much to do all over the apartment and i kept being waylayed by headache and backaches. But I think I'll spend a good 45 minutes in each room tonight: bedroom, living room, craft room. Sounds reasonable!

And then soon, I will have crafty things to post because I will be doing so many crafty things!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Word will get out now...

A semi-famous person stopped by Project Vicki and left a comment!
Jose Anes of the Money and Investing blog checked out my financial goals. Too bad they seem to be stuck in no-progress-land.

In moving news, I have so many bruises on my left arm, it really is bad. But today I'll take my last car load of stuff from the old place, so I shouldn't be getting any more bruises.

My craft room is a shambles. It has become a dumping ground for everything I don't know what to do with. I hope to change that when Mike is here this weekend. He can help. There is no way i'm going to let that room become a junk room, it is the whole reason i moved. It is my reason d'etre, something I've always dreamed of. I promise to have a good update when I return on Monday!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I got a computer!

For the first time in 10 years, I have a new computer. I bought an ibook laptop. It came in the mail yesterday and I started playing on it last night. Now I just need to order internet access and cable, and I'll be all set!

Also included in the deal is a free mini ipod. Can't wait til it comes in the mail. I am entering a new era of technology. Guess I'll have to get rid of my old cassette walkman! ;)

I moved into my new apt this Sunday and I'm slowly getting everything unpacked. There are still some things at the old place, so every day I drive there, pack up the car and drive to Rocky River, unload and then try to unpack. Needless to say, I fall asleep the minute I hit the bed nowadays.

I hope to have some crafty stuff to report soon.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy anniversary Baby!

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

It's been one year since Mike and I had our first date. I'm so happy you came into my life!


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reason #10 why i'm glad to move

I will have control over the heat in winter. (never had it in all my 28 years!)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Reason #9 why I'm happy to move

Living among grown-ups who don't "borrow" my paper or hit my car.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

men's fashion

what's the only thing worse than penny loafers?

penny loafers with no socks.

Or penny loafers with no socks and shorts. On purpose

Reason #8 why I'm glad to move

Doors that aren't warped and easily open.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Reason #7 why I'm happy to move

A freezer that's not inside the fridge.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Friday, August 05, 2005

minor celebrity siting

I nearly ran into Dennis Kucinich as I was coming off the elevator in the lobby. I don't think the others getting off realized who he was. He looked like he was in a hurry.

reason #5 why I'm glad to move

No more goofy mildewy shower curtains

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Reason #4 why i'm glad to move

A garage space for Piccadilly.

"those legs will cause an accident!"

I was walking to the library yesterday when some homeless guy said to me, "Careful, you'll cause an accident with those legs"

"ummmmmmm. thanks?"

I'm still not sure if he was giving me a compliment, or suggesting that my pale white legs will blind oncoming drivers!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

reason #3 why I'm glad to move

I won't have to drive over Cleveland Heights potholes!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

self portrait tuesday

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

This picture describes how I feel today. Yucky. Bleh. Blah. Headache. Warm.

Reason #2 why I'm glad to move


Monday, August 01, 2005

5 years at Penton!

It just occurred to me today that today is my 5 year anniversary with Penton!

To me it does feel like five years. So much has changed, both at work and at home.

Of course, i'll probably get fired, cause i haven't done squat today. I am so unmotivated. I'd love to take a quick walk around the block, but the elevators aren't working so hot, and it might take 10 min to even get an elevator one way. Pooh.

reason #1 why i'm glad to move

New rent : $525
Old rent: $615

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Me and you

I kept reading about this movie, Me and You and Everyone We Know and how eye opening, beautiful, etc, it was.

So I went to see it last night. YUCK! I guess I was expecting a story about the creative life, living life to the fullest. And instead I got a story filled with stalking, obsessive compulsive behavior, and child sexuality. The only character I liked was the old man who rode in the Elder Cab. And why was the 6-year old baby allowed to roam the streets by himself? I think Miranda July is cute, and I might see her other movies, but i just wasn't crazy about this movie.

In other news, I have more things up for sale on ebay. Cross-stitch kits and more!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

don't feed the raccoons

I got home the other day and saw a raccoon sitting on the dumpster. Not so odd, except that he had a half-rack of ribs in his mouth! I opened the car door and he took off with the ribs in his mouth. Not rib bones, mind you, ribs with all the meat, as if someone was having a picnic.

Fast-forward to the next day, when I see remnants of a meat-ki-bob laying on the dumpster. Huh? Could we please not leave meat laying on the dumpster?

I can't wait to move!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Call me superstitious!

I'm going to look at my new apartment and sign the lease tonight! Yay! I hope nothing goes wrong.

I've put some more low-cost items up on eBay. For some reason, if I post them here, they have a tendancy to sell. So call me superstitious, but I'm going to list them:

Friday, July 15, 2005

Buy me!

Here are two pictures of the gift bags I put up for sale. How can you NOT buy them?

Happy Birthday bag

Pink wedding or birthday bag

Today is Day 1 of the rest of my life

I have been up and down lately. Thankfully no one else died this week. I'm still having a hard time letting go of the two from last week. But life goes on...

I added two gift bags to my Etsy online store.

Here's what I have up on ebay:

Total profit on eBay so far: $586.13 YAHOO! I made a big ticket sale which is going to cover hotel and mike's airfare to vegas.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I don't have much to say but i wanted to post something a little cheerier than the last one.

I've made $42.79 in profit on eBay so far. Yay!

And I'm moving to Rocky River this fall. A two-bedroom flat for $550. Sent in the application today. Yay!

Ok, I am drowning in work. Time to boogie.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

My step-grandmother Helen died this week.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

How I spent July 4

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Mike and I made the 2.5 hour trip to see his Uncle Bill and Aunt Melinda yesterday. They hadn't seen each other in years!

Unfortunately the battery in my camera conked out so I could only take a picture with my cell phone. It stinks, I know.

In other news, most of the things I've listed on ebay are selling, which surprises me. One man's junk...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Update on the goals

Sometimes it's a pain to check the goal pages individually, so here's a general recap:

Savings account: $2097.32 (goal $3600)
CC debt down to $2308 from $3058
I do plenty of creative things each month
I'm failing miserably at Yoga and taking walks
I've made two bags out of three that I want to submit to consignment
I'm selling two purses at, an ebay-like site for crafters.
I've made roughly $30 in gambling money by selling junk on ebay.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Watch Woody Allen films

Time for another exciting goal! I'm going to watch all of Woody Allen's films (some for a second time). Let's put a time limit, how about, by December 31.

Here's the list, taken from the Internet Movie Database:

What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966)
Take the Money and Run (1969)
Bananas (1971)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask (1972)
Sleeper (1973)
Love and Death (1975)
Annie Hall (1977)
Interiors (1978)
Manhattan (1979)
Stardust Memories (1980)
A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982)
Zelig (1983)
Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)
Radio Days (1987)
September (1987)
Another Woman (1988)
New York Stories (1989) (segment "Oedipus Wrecks")
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989)
Alice (1990)
Shadows and Fog (1992)
Husbands and Wives (1992)
Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)
Bullets Over Broadway (1994)
Don't Drink the Water (1994) (TV)
Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
Deconstructing Harry (1997)
Celebrity (1998)
Sweet and Lowdown (1999)
Small Time Crooks (2000)
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)
Hollywood Ending (2002)
Anything Else (2003)
Melinda and Melinda (2004)
Match Point (2005)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

more ebay stuff

I put more junk ( i mean, stuff that YOU should buy) up on ebay.

Monday, June 27, 2005

What I'm reading

I've been told I have "interesting" taste in books, so here is a link to what I'm reading, or have read in the immediate past.

Right now:

    Portrait of a Master: Leonardo by Bruno Nardini. I bought this book in Italy and can't find it on Amazon.

Just finished:

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Contest with myself

ebay Profits:
    June 20: $2.48 Total = $2.48 (ok, i've got a long way to go!)
    June 27:$8.17 Total = $10.65
    June 30:$12.30 Total = $22.95
    July 12: Total = $42.79
    July 15: Total = $586.83 YAHOO!
    July 19:Total = $595.74
    July 28:Total = $627.21, $81.07 if you don't count the Sensor
    Aug 1:Total = $645.12, $98.98 Woo hoo, very close to my goal of $100!
    Aug 9:Total = $653.24, or $107.10 for gambling GOAL REACHED!

I'm not sure I'll be making much more money. I've run out of things to sell. Oh, i've still got plenty of junk i'm getting rid of, it's just not ebay worthy.

I have decided to move this fall.

Therefore, I am trying to get rid of as much stuff as I can. Some of it I'm trying to sell on eBay.

I decided to challenge myself to make as much money as I can. I'll set aside that money for gambling in Vegas!

love birds

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Mike and I had our 10 month anniversary yesterday! Here's a picture of us from last weekend. You can see our shadows reflected onto the Cuyahoga River. We are standing under an arch.

GUESS WHAT?? You can now buy my purses and bags online! Visit my store.

Monday, June 20, 2005

my summer vacation

I just mailed off a letter to future Vicki.

Andrea put out a call for people to write letters to themselves saying what they did to be happy, healthier this summer. We mail the letters to her and she mails them back at the end of summer.

I had pretty high standards for myself, it will be fun to see how wrong or how right I am!

Potato Man

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

While we were waiting for our check at the Pufferbelly in Kent, Mike made this Potato Man out of leftover potato skin and fruit. :)

Friday, June 17, 2005

"All the Woulda-Coulda-Shoudas
Layin' in the sun,
Talkin' 'bout the things
They woulda-coulda-shoulda done...
But those Woulda-Coulda-Shoudas
All ran away and hid
From one little did"

- Shel Silverstein

Thursday, June 09, 2005

new color scheme

I decided to change the colors on Project Vicki.

I completely ripped off Loobylu's color scheme. Of course hers looks a million times cooler, but I love this blue background.

I am making terrible progress on some of these goals. I haven't done yoga in weeks and haven't taken any long walks.

But, I HAVE been in a crafty mood the last couple days. Since I haven't heard from them, I'm going to assume I've not been accepted at cut+paste, so I'm going to try a different idea* with copacetique. Wish me luck!

* I don't want to give away my neat idea!

Monday, June 06, 2005

broken foot

Started Illustrator training classes today. It gave me a headache though. The sound was so hard to hear, and I was furrowing my face straining to hear.

Spent the weekend playing nursemaid to Mike. He broke his foot on Thursday. That was fun since he was loopy from the drugs and alternating between silly, grateful, and being a jerk.

And that kind of puts a damper on our taking walks together! Guess I'll have to do that during the week by myself.

Get to see Stephen Malkmus Thursday! Yay!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

indy 500

Mike and I had an awesome time at the Indianapolis 500 this weekend.
We enjoyed our privileges as members of the media and Mike took his role as "photographer" seriously!

Will have pictures later!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

what a cutie!

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

This is a photo of Mike taken on my new cell phone. We were watching the sun set at Virginia Kendell. I was blinded by the sun and unable to focus, so it's not a great picture, but not bad. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

leap of faith

I submitted one of my purses for consignment at cut+paste.
I decided to try that site first because i read her blog a lot and like the stuff they sell.

I don't expect to hear back from them for a couple of weeks. I'm trying not to think about it until then! They say they won't write you back at all unless they are accepting you. Talk about nerve racking! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

i want this, so why am i slacking?

i've been a slacker.
I was to have finished 4 purses and 3 gift bags by last Sunday.
It's now Tuesday and I have one purse done.

What a lazy-butt.

I've been working, they are all designed. Just too tired or preoccupied when I get home from work.
Also, I think I'm afraid of being rejected. If I don't try, I can't be rejected...

But i'm going to stop this poppycock and get it done this week. I plan to first submit the two purses I already made for the craft sale last Feb. We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

life's not fair sometimes

I've added another goal: Learn Photoshop. I debated and debated whether to file this under Career or Creative, since I don't really plan to use it for my job. But ultimately, since I am taking the class at work and that's the only place I can use it, I decided to put it under Career Goals.

By the way, if anyone wants to contribute to the "my car got hit, culprit won't confess, $500 deductible" Fund, please let me know! I'm getting pretty frustrated trying to get my neighbor to admit she hit my car, so I'm going to file this under "life's not fair, kid" and just get the car fixed. Damn. $500 is half way to the computer I want so bad.

Learn Photoshop

UPDATE: I'm revising this goal a little, I wasn't making progress by taking classes at lunchtime, so I found an online course with classes once a week.

Goal: Take online classes once a week from's free email class.

Week 1: Completed the first class July 26
Week 2: Completed the second class Aug 1

Thursday, May 05, 2005

added more goals to Project Vicki

I've added two more goals to Project Vicki. Mike got me three yoga dvds for my birthday so I want to do yoga once a week. Maybe on Thursdays before choir?

Also I added a crafty goal. Make some purses and bags and see if one of the online consignment shops will sell them. That will give me a good idea if anyone likes my stuff enough to pay for it!

Goal: Make things to sell online

Goal: Make products to sell on commission at online stores like copacetique, cut+paste, & pink thread.

4 purses by May 15
3 gift bags by May 15
Take digital pictures by May 15
Choose a store and submit work May 16

Ok. I've missed this deadline by a mile.
June 23, I have made one bag.

July 18: Though I am not selling stuff on commission, I have four bags up for sale at So I consider this goal accomplished.

Goal: Yoga once a week

Goal: Do a 20 minute session with the DVD once a week

May 1 to 7: done 5/5 :)
May 8 to 14: done
May 15 to 21
May 22 to 28
May 29 to June 4

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

they say it's your birthday...

Today is my birthday! 28 big ones.

My annual ritual is to listen to the Beatles' "birthday" in the morning before I go to work. I've also started listening to Frente's "ordinary angels" because the first line is "you get the world for your birthday, baby."

I've received four postcards so far.

The first is from Jolene. It has a fortune sewed on to it that reads: Counting your time is not so important as making your time count.

The second one came from Singapore from Lynda. She sewed a pair of shorts and legs on a postcard. My words don't do it justice, it's cute!

The next one I got was from Benita in Wales. (for some reason her site won't load for me)

Amy from Oregon sent me a card with pictures of her applique projects. Very cute site!

You can see some of these postcards and the postcard I sent at Meukin's site.

That's all for now. Enjoy my birthday! ;)

Monday, May 02, 2005

postcard swap

UPDATE Several people emailed me so I'm sure they went out ok! Thanks.

Hey - If anyone is visiting because they got a postcard from me, please leave a comment or email me.
I sent the postcards out through the post office and I'm just not sure if they actually were sent! Someone please let me know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Happy Anniversary Project Vicki!

Project Vicki is one year old this month!

Time for a revamping and a look at what I've accomplished.
I'll be on a plane for many hours this week, so I will come back with lots of new ideas and plans.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Goal: eliminate cc debt, for real this time!

Here's another goal for the financial pages

What? Pay off credit card debt
How? Pay $250 a month while the interest rate is 0%

Starting balance:$3058
April: paid $250, balance $2808
May: paid $250, balance $2558
June: paid $250, balance $2308
July: paid $250, balance $2058
August: paid $250, balance $1808
September: paid $250, balance $1558
October: paid $250, balance $1308
November:paid $58, tough month balance $1250
December: paid $250, balance $1000
January: paid $350, balance $650
February: paid $250, balance $400 paid $400 BALANCE 0


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

two more goals accomplished

Hooray for me!
I finished the Lemony Snicket books. And I finished my bedroom shelves project.

Time to set some new goals, that sidebar is looking pretty sad!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Vicki Vs. Titanium Drill Bit, day 2

My thumb still hurts but I think I'm going to live.
I don't know what my fingernail will look like, I might be like one of those old construction-type guys who has black marks on their nails. yuck! Paul from work seemed to think it was nifty that I practically drilled through my thumb. Like it made me cool to have a war injury.

I managed to finish the bedroom shelves project last night, but I'm not quite satisfied with the results. I'm going to let it stew for the weekend and think it through. And get started on the dozens of other projects racing through my head!

Called mom to sing her happy birthday last night. She seemed so happy. It makes me happy when she's happy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I practically drilled through my thumb last night.
I still can't figure out exactly how it happened, but as I was drilling, the drill bit broke and drilled into my thumb. On the bottom right where the nail meets the cuticle. It was quite painful. Still is. Wouldn't stop bleeding. Cried like a baby.

Now I don't know how I'm going to attach the headboard to the shelf. That is the hardest part of the project and being thumbless is a huge disadvantage. Darn, I was going to finish last night, too. :(

Friday, April 08, 2005

Bedroom shelf project

Bedroom Shelves Project

X - Attach top board

X - Clean underneath bed:
X -move rug up away from wall
X - vacuum

X - Two shelves:
X Buy 4 small scraps
X Attach to sides of shelves
X Attach shelves to scraps

X - Head board:
X Buy plywood
X Assemble two pieces of plywood
X Buy fabric and batting
X Attach batting and fabric to plywood

X - Hinge:
X Buy hinge
X Drill pilot holes in shelf
X Attach hinge to headboard
X Attach hinge and headboard to shelf (tricky)

Update April 14 Technically, this project is complete. But, I really don't like the way it hangs, so I'm going to think on it for a few days, then re-attach the headboard to the shelves.

Update April 20 DONE DONE DONE! Here's a link to the finished photo Finished Shelves

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Guess I should share my picture of the Pope from last June.

Friday, April 01, 2005

random goofiness

These lists are popping up all over the crafty blogger sites, so I thought I'd add my two cents.

Ten random things about me
10. i've been to italy, france, england, scotland, ireland, and wales
9. i saw the Queen when i was 4
8. i am a morning person
7. my check book is always balanced
6. My favorite book is a tree grows in brooklyn
5. I really, really want to buy a computer
4. I drove to New Jersey by myself to see Donovan and got to meet him.
3. I am happy.
2. I was surprised to fall in love with someone who adores me.
1. I like visiting cemeteries.

Nine ways to win my heart
9. Cook for me
8. Make me laugh
7. Make fun of me!
6. Quote the Simpsons or Seinfeld
5. Be honest with me
4. Tell me I am talented.
3. Push my hair behind my ear.
2. Pick me up (literally)
1. Make the bed

Eight things i want to do before i die
8. Pick up and move to a new town
7. Visit Australia
6. Give birth
5. Own a house
4. Get married
3. Sell things I've made in an online shop
2. Give a solo performance on stage (guitar)
1. Make love outside

Seven ways to annoy me
7. Slow down when driving uphill
6. Play tricks on unsuspecting victims.
5. Waste my time
4. Be irresponsible.
3. Bad spelling.
2. Nose-in on my business.
1. Have no regard for anyone else.

Six things i believe in
6. love
5. you are responsible for your own happiness
4. God
3. Everyone should sing
2. I will always be happy where I am.
1. Spontaneity

Five things i am afraid of
5. Guns
4. Death as an innocent bystander
3. (secret)
2. Scary movies
1. Turning into a nag

Four favorite items in my room
4. Heated mattress pad
3. Pink and red comforter
2. Mike
1. New bookshelfy-thing (when it's done)

Three things i do every day
3. Think about crafting.
2. Tell Mike I love him.
1. Drink coffee

Two things i want to do now
2. Lay on a blanket under a tree
1. Spring clean my apartment

One person i want to see right now

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Project Vicki revamped

I broke down the goals into categories on the side. I still need set some more.
I've got other ideas for additions to Project Vicki. It's almost a year old!

Physical goals

Goal: Take a walk outside once a week

Week of:
May 1 to 7: 5/7 Mike and walked several miles around the cultural gardens
May 8 to 14
May 15 to 21: 5/21 Mike and I walked around Virginia Kendall
May 22 to 28: Walked around the Speedway and had a romantic walk along the canals downtown Indy.
May 29 to June 4: Walked a lot around the Speedway and at White River State Park
June 5 to 11:

Career Goals

Had to write my annual review so here are my goals as of 3/31/05

Write another award-worthy (and hopefully award-winning) technical article.
Aug 9 Done. FES article is award-worthy. Other articles have improved greatly in quality.

More managerial responsibilities
Aug 9 I'll call this one done too. I've been supervising Leslie and Mary a little.

Work more in eMedia (such as knowing how to design a newsletter, or web page; knowing more than basic html)
I'm going to include this goal in my Photoshop goal.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I've added a blog roll to my sidebar. Some really crafty stuff going on out there.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Shake it up Baby!

I think Project Vicki needs some shaking up!

Progress is being made in the ongoing goals, but I feel like I need to make some more aggressive goals.
What do I want in life?

I realized the other day it's been a year since we performed Bach's Magnificat.
That was a high point in my vocal career.
And what am I doing for my voice now? Nothing but maintenance singing in choir.
Maybe that's a goal to think about.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Never again clutter your days or nights
with so many menial and unimportant things
that you have no time to accept a real challenge
when it comes along.
This applies to play as well as work.
A day merely survived is no cause for celebration.
You are not here to fritter away your precious hours
when you have the ability to accomplish so much
by making a slight change in your routine.
No more busy work. No more hiding from success.
Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now. Now!
Not tomorrow!
-- Og Mandino --

Monday, March 07, 2005

mike under the arch

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I'm playing the "artiste" in this shot of mike under an arch on campus.

vicki by sundial

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

There's me by the sundial at Case.


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Picture of the man, taken late February, just after the Three Stooges festival

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

crafts on table

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

This is what my display looked like at the Feb 14 Have-a-Heart craft sale at Penton. I had 4 purses (none of which sold), 3 sets of marble magnets (all sold), and about 4 different styles of cards (about half sold).

I'm posting pictures of just about everything. I forgot to take a picture of the purple purse so I will do that soon. (good thing it didn't sell, huh?)

I notice that my cheaper stuff sold, it was just that kind of crowd. I'm still glad I forced myself to do it.

Everything that didn't sell is for sale! Leave a comment if you're interested. :)

brown pink purse

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

This is probably my favorite purse. Lined in brown. I asked $20 for this one.

pink green purse

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I call this purse my Mary Englebreit purse because of the fried-egg flower. This is probably the most girly purse I made. Asked $20 for it.

red pink purse

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Another bad picture. I asked $20 for this purse. It is lined with a pink patterned fabric and has a red cell-phone pocket inside.

heart card

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

The picture doesn't do this card justice. I believe this card sold for $1.50.

ribbon cards

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I made 3 of these cards and asked $1.50 per card. I can't believe no one bought them because I think they're gorgeous!


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I sold a set of four smiley cards for $4.


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I sold all of these magnets at $2 a set.

Friday, February 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Blooming african violets make February go away.


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Yellow flowers chase the blue funk away.

it's official

I'm in a February Blue Funk.

Nothing's wrong, I'm not stressed about things at home (work is another story but I leave it behind when I leave the office)
Sick of the cold. sick of wind. tired of wearing gloves and a hat everywhere.
Sick of the salt crunching under my feet every day.

Sometimes admitting that you're in a blue funk helps cure it. And sometimes you just need to go buy flowering plants at Home Depot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

craft-fair results

Yesterday was the Penton Have a Heart craft fair. None of my purses sold. I made three sets of magnets, they sold for $2 each, and the smiley-face notecards sold for $4. Also a valentine's day card. After they took out the money for the relief fund I made $9.

I was disappointed, but not devasted. I know if I knocked the price of the purses down to $10 they would have sold, but I know they're worth $20. If that means I have to keep them for myself, so be it. I might try to sell them online, stay tuned.

I took pictures of everything and will post when I get them developed.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Happy Groundhogs Day!

Groundhog's day holds such a special place in my heart. Am really sad though that Andy and Shirl are both gone. They will always be Punxsutawney for me.

Was reading an article about Punxsutawney Phil and it mentioned DuBois several times. Sad again. I realize there will come a day when I want to go in to PA and will not know anyone I can stop and visit with.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Craft Mania

I volunteered to sell some of my crafts for a Valentine's day sale to benefit Tsunami victims.

So now it's Craft Mania inside my head, 24 hours a day.
I keep thinking of so many ideas, how to display the bags, should i make business cards? don't forget to send an email to penton friends and shandra about the big day. decorate a sign up sheet for a newsletter. put ribbon closures on the purses. wrap notecards in ribbon.

And then I try to brace myself for the possibility that I may sell nothing! seriously. I have a feeling the other crafters will make cutesy stuff. bears and lace. YUCK!

But at least I'm doing it.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Vicki & Mike

Vicki & Mike
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here's a pic of me and my man. Shandra's apartment, new year's. Aren't we cute?

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Happy New Year!

So here I am at the start of another year.

Project Vicki is still going strong, with many accomplishments and constant revisions.
That's why I don't generally make new year's resolutions, I feel like I continually reevaluate my life all the time, not just on Jan. 1.

But I do like to pick out a theme for the year. Last year my theme was to put out a lot of good karma. Purposefully do nice things for people without any expectations. And I think I did that throughout the year, so now it's ingrained. Not that I'm some saint always doing good...

This year's theme is "cut the bullsh!t." I would like to face my fear of guns and actually hold one and fire it. I want to buy a computer. I want to reach my emergency money fund goal. I want to pay off the credit card debt. This is stuff I've been talking about for way too long. Cut the bull and do it already. This also extends to work - eliminating things that waste my time, and to home - finding better storage solutions and getting rid of more stuff.