Thursday, December 15, 2005

Vicki's got a brand new blog

One of the magazines I work for decided that each editor would have to write a blog. Oh, and we're supposed to post new things 2-3 times a week! HA

So I was the first to put something up, and if you'd like to read it, here's
the link

Actually, if you'd like to frequently read it, so that I get lots of hits, and become the Cool Editor, that would be great. I'm going to add the link to my toolbar on the right.


Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here is a picture of the packaging I made for my friend Liz's present! It is a paper mache box covered in felt. The design is my original, but the concept to cover a box in felt is not my own.

Don't forget to read my new work blog. Often. :)

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