Tuesday, October 25, 2005

me and Newt

I am spending the first part of this week at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit and one of the speakers was Newt Gingrich.

I am pretty much a liberal gal, and never imagined I'd be taking advice from Newt. BUT, here's what he said Monday night that has me thinking:
    Everytime someone asks you if something is possible, instead of saying, "No, it's not, because yadda yadda yadda..." try to give it a positive spin by saying, "Yes, it is, IF this happens..." This gives the other person a problem to solve instead of a flat-out rejection.

I need to change the way I react to people.

In other news, I am posting a picture of the bedroom shelves I made back in the spring. I've discovered that a lot of people come to Project Vicki after searching for Bedroom shelves, so I'm trying to make it worth their while. I've never posted with blogger photos, so let me know if the image doesn't work for ya.

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