Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Deciding where the money should go

This isn’t a finance blog but I do have some financial goals over there on my list. A couple weeks ago Mike and I had a “State of the Union” financial meeting, and made some big decisions.

First, we’re going to try living on one income, mine. We’ll take $500/month from Mike’s pay and use it to accelerate debt payoff. And the rest of his pay will go to savings.

We also upped our 401k contributions to get each of our company matches.

We decided to pay off my car loan. We’ll take that monthly payment, add it to the $500, and start a "debt snowball" (here’s a link to Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball explanation). First we’ll pay off Mike’s student loan, then mine. By the time we’re through with that we will be able to add an extra $1100 to the mortgage payment each month. In theory. The biggest point is that we’ll have all debt paid off except the mortgage in early 2009, instead of 2012.

Of course things will change and emergencies will crop up. But at least we are in charge of our money, not the other way around.

P.S. The "State of the Union" idea came from the blog Make Love, Not Debt

Friday, November 02, 2007

we bought a house

Front of house

Right before we got married, Mike and I found and bid on this house. A month and a lot of headaches later, we are set to close next week.

I am documenting our trials on a blog called Nesting Newlyweds. It will be more of a decorating blog as we move in.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Finding change

Back in June I challenged my now-husband to a contest to see who could find the most change on the street.

He won that month but I continued to look for change and have recorded my takings.

Contest month: June 2007: Mike $2.12 Vicki: $1.68
July: $1.62
August: $1.02
September: $0.73
November: $2.93 (dimes were everywhere!)

Total change found: $11.23 (not including Mike's $2.12)

Total: $10.53

Friday, October 19, 2007


Husband and wife!

Excuse my absence, I've been busy getting married! Details soon.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My lastest press

The November issue of Pack-o-Fun magazine features one of my earrings designs.

Published again

I can cross another thing off my list of things to do in 2007.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

catching up

It has been a long time since my last post. Been busy with wedding stuff.

Here's a status on some of my goals
Earn extra $5k: $1,059.46
Find change in the street: $4.20 since June 1

More posts to come soon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

the winning breakfast

I managed to find a recipe for biscuits and gravy and fixed breakfast in bed for my honey last weekend.
Here's the proof:

(it doesn't look appetizing to me but I was told it was good)

In other news, we hit our goal to save $10,000 for the wedding! Very exciting.

Monday, July 02, 2007

I lost

Even this penny with a heart in it couldn't help me win the Change Contest.

Final score
Mike $2.12
Vicki $1.68

Thursday, June 28, 2007

trip to nyc

A couple weeks ago I was in NYC for work. I wanted to take pictures of each meal, since I knew the food would be outstanding. As happens, I ended up only taking two.

My coworker and I had lunch at the bar in the hotel's restaurant. (not just any hotel, we stayed at the 60 Thompson and the restaurant is called Kittichai.)

I had tempura bass with chili dipping sauce. And a ginger, coconut martini. Yum.
my lunch at kittichai

Leslie had the raw tuna with little pastry cups and a great sauce. They were both superb.
food at kittichai

After lunch, I had an agenda. There were some stores I'd been reading about online and wanted to shop at. So I dragged Leslie to Purl Soho and Purl Patchwork. I managed to walk away spending only $30 for these lovely fat quarters.
My purchases from Purl Patchwork

Little did I know that one of my favorite bloggers Jane from Yarnstorm was in nyc about the same time and she wrote a great blog post on Purl.

We also went to Kate's Paperie where I bought some envelope samples and a book of graphic ornaments.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Got any recipes for gravy and biscuits?

I am falling far behind in the change race. Mike is suggesting I start figuring out how to make biscuits and gravy because that’s what he wants when he wins. I think I’ll check if IHOP has a To-Go service. :)

6/20 Mike found nothing, I found a penny on the street by a parking meter
6/21 Mike found two cents at mcdonalds, I found 5 pennies around the parking meters
6/22 Mike found a dime at mcdonalds, and then 5 pennies and a nickel on our walk, I found one cent by the meters and one penny on our walk – it is shaped like a heart
6/23 Neither of us found money
6/24 no money. I guess weekends are duds for us.

Mike: $2.10
Vicki $1.47

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

loose change update mid-month

Mike and I have been finding lots of change! Quarters!

(saturday)6/9: Mike found nothing; I found 2 pennies going through the pockets of suits going to Goodwill. They were stuck to some melted candy and sticky.
6/10: Mike found nothing; I found a dime outside of GameStop, then a penny next to the car.
6/11: Mike found 22cents at the mcdonalds drive through; I found two cents by the parking meters
6/12: Mike found 17 cents at the mcdonalds and wherever he went for lunch; I found one cent at the airport by the Cinnabon
(wed) 6/13: Neither of us found any money, (I was in NYC for work)
6/14: Mike found 37 at the drive-thrus: I saw at least 3 pennies at LaGuardia airport, but could only grab one
6/15: Mike found 12 cents at the drive thru, and one dime in front of Rite-aid; I found a quarter on the street in the morning, a penny in the subway parking lot, another penny a few feet away, and then a quarter in the middle of the road (If mike wasn't with me, he wouldn't have believed it, we randomly crossed the street and there it was!) and another penny under a bench. 54 cents for me in one day
6/16: Mike found two dimes at mcdonald's drive thru, although one was canadian, i let it count; I found two cents somewhere, i forget.
(sunday) 6/17: neither of us found change
6/18: Mike found a quarter at mcdonalds, and got an extra 25 cents from the vending machine; I found a penny in the dirt, and two at big boy on the ground in a dusty, crusty corner. I'm getting desperate.
6/19: Mike found nothing (skipped mcdonalds today); i found a quarter and 4 pennies by the parking meters at lunch.

Totals so far:
Mike: $1.88

If I can keep Mike out of McDonalds and keep finding change at lunch, I might make a comeback.

Monday, June 11, 2007

better photography

I thought I'd try to up my photography skills. So i'll try taking pictures of the same thing for several days in a row. And hopefully practice, practice, practice will make me better.

I took a picture of this rose bush every day after work and on Saturday. It was overcast the third day. Click on it for a bigger picture.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

change updates

As of this moment Mike is at 20 cents, I'm at 34 cents.

Recap of the week:
Friday: i found a crusty old cent in a crack in the middle of the street, and one by the parking meters near work.
Thursday: I found a dime and then a penny by the parking meters, two more by some other meters, and a penny at the grocery store.
Wednesday:I found a penny by the street vendor, then a nickel and penny by the parking meters.
Tuesday: I found a penny in front of the hotel
Monday:We took a walk and I found a nickel and two pennies in front of the dollar store, a penny in front of rite aid, and a penny in front of max's deli

Wed:Mike found a penny at work
Tues:Mike found a dime and two pennies in the drive through at burger king
Mon:on our walk mike found a penny in the parking lot, a nickel behind the salt container at rite aid, and another penny in the parking lot

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Goal: Sell $50 in crafts

Goal: Sell $50 worth of crafts on etsy. Gross sales
When: By the end of 2007

To do this I need to have some more items up for sale and market a little more.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

change, changes

I bought! And once I figure out how to do it, i'll be switching this blog over there.

Loose change contest status:
Mike and I took a walk last night. He found a nickel and two pennies. I found a nickel and four pennies.
Today I found one penny. Mike found a dime and two pennies.

Mike: $.19
Vicki: $.11

Goal: Freelance or sell an article

Goal: Get freelance work or sell an article to a magazine.
By: May 4, 2008 (my 31st birthday)

Selling a craft design does not count.
The point is to add something to my resume.

Monday, June 04, 2007

I’m a winner

Got a notice this week that I won a regional award from The American Society of Business Publication Editors. It’s only a regional award, not a national one. Still it’s nice to win. The winning article is about combination products The Best of All Worlds

There is no cash prize associated with this award, though I get a plaque for my wall. I won the same award in 2001.

I’m glad to cross another thing off my list of things to do in 2007 "Do something at work worthy of adding to my resume"

Loose Change Contest status:
Vicki $0.01

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Change on the street contest

I challenged Mike to a contest. See who can find the most change on the ground. You know, when you see a penny but don’t bother to pick it up? Well, now we will.

I was inspired by this blog I posted about a while ago. This guy has found over $500 in two years. On the ground.

Here’s how it goes:
Change on the street contest
How to play: Pick up change on the sidewalk, street, parking lots, stores, anywhere it has been dropped.
1. Change that is lying around the apartment is off limits.
2. Change in your car doesn't count.
3. Keep track of the amount you find.
4. You get to keep the change and spend it anyway you want.
5. We're on the honor system.
The contest starts now and runs through June 30. Winner gets breakfast in bed.

Wanna join the contest? Leave a comment. Of course only Mike or I will win breakfast in bed, but if I know you maybe I’ll send you a prize.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Trips to KY

Mike's uncle got sick and passed away. We've made a lot of trips this year down to Kentucky to visit his family. The last time we went down I tried my hand at taking pictures of landmarks we always pass.

Here's the stacks from a power plant.

It might be hard to read, but this is a sign for "Bridges to the Past" I think it's so intriguing and one of these days we'll go to the Past!

Here's a picture of Ft. Knox. I hope it's legal to take pictures from the road!

We stopped at a riverboat casino in Indiana on the Ohio River. When we cashed out we got $100 bills. There's $800 there! I walked away with an extra $250 and Mike made about $400. It was great fun.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

breaking news!

Pack-o-Fun magazine wants to run another craft design.
Not sure which issue it will go into, and of course there's always a chance it won't work out, but they like the design and want to publish it!

And I need all the help I can get in my quest to earn an extra $5K. I finally broke the $100 barrier. At this rate I'll be lucky to make $500!

Monday, April 23, 2007

who knew?

I was riding on the bus last week when I heard a police siren. The bus stopped and the driver put the bus in park. Alongside the bus walks a police officer! I think he stopped him for going through the red light.

Who knew a bus could get pulled over?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

address file

address file
Originally uploaded by vreitz.
Yvonne unknowingly started me on an obsession for a pretty address file. She got hers from Lovely Design and I found one on etsy.

After thinking about it a few days, I realized I had this old cigar box just taking up space. Within the hour I had my own pretty address file box. I brought it to work and keep it open so I can see the pretty colors!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

wedding guest book

Finished the outside of the guest book for the wedding. Still need to work on the inside pages.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

my sweetie!

I snapped this picture after we saw the Cleveland Orchestra. It was my birthday present to Mike. They played the Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet overture, and his First Piano Concerto, which was the main reason we went. It was awesome to watch the pianist's fingers dance with the piano!

Cross one thing off our 2007 To-Do list!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

gone again

I feel like I haven't been home in weeks!

Mike's grandfather passed away so we were dealing with that and then I went to California for work. We stayed at the Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel which is a part of Disneyland. It is all decked out in the Arts and Crafts style. Pretty impressive.

You can even have breakfast with Chip and Dale!

I will now resume my life!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

puerto rico

Originally uploaded by saul_xavier.
I planned on posting a picture that I took in Puerto Rico. But I didn't take a single one!

I was in Puerto Rico for work this week. I was there about 4 years ago with the same host group. This time we stayed in a hotel with a 24 hour casino. So guess what - I have another $8 to add to my earn $5k goal! (i was up $70 at one point but kept playing)

Found this picture of Puerto Rico buildings on Flickr and it is what I would have liked to take a picture of.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Inspirational quote

"If you’re bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals." -Lou Holtz

Monday, January 22, 2007

Goal:Earn extra $5,000

Free Money Finance decided to create a goal for himself to make an extra $10,000 this year. That’s outside of his regular salary.

I got to thinking that maybe I could have a similar goal. After all, last year I made at least an extra $1250 by winning an award, having my craft design published, and a few other ebay and etsy sales. And that was without really trying.

So I’m going to make my own crazy goal:

Make an extra $5,000 in 2007.
This does not mean ask for a raise.
This does not include work bonuses.
This is not a goal to "save" $5,000.
This does not include earned interest or stock earnings.

Sell craft designs
Freelance work
Lottery ( ha ha)
Sell crafts
Ebay sales
Book sales

What will I do with the money?
Maybe start the House Fund.

Jan 16: Amazon book sale $26.79 Total = $26.79
Feb 2: Slot machines in Puerto Rico $8.00 Total = $34.79
Feb 27: Discover card cash back $20.00 Total = $54.79
Mar 8: Ebay sale of mat cutter $17.82 Total = $72.61
Mar 22: Etsy sale $4.97 Total = $77.58
Apr 17: Ebay sale of african mask $6.40 Total = $83.98
Apr 23: Discover card cash back $20.00 Total = $103.98
Apr 24: Ebay sale of jewelry box $6.98 Total = $110.96
Apr 26: Amazon book sale $11.94 Total = $122.90
May 1: Amazon book sale $164.06! Total = $286.96
May 5: Played piano for first communion $25 Total = $311.96
May 13: Gambling in Indiana $251.50 Total = $563.46
May 21: 2 Discover card cash backs $40 Total = $603.46
May 31: Amazon book sale $86.64 Total = $690.10
June 4: Amazon book sale $11.92 Total = $702.02
June 9: EBay sale, rubber stamp $3.84 Total = $705.86
June 18: book sale $7.40 Total = $713.26
June 19: Discover card cash back $20 Total = $733.26
June 21: Discover card cash back $20 Total = $753.26
July 9: Credit card reward $5 Total = $758.26
Aug 3: Pack-O-Fun payment for craft design $125 Total = $883.26
Aug 4: I won $100 cash at Mike's work picnic Total = $983.26
Aug 6: e-search payment $1.00 Total = $984.26
Aug 13: Divident payment from State Farm (unexpected) $65.20 Total = $1,049.46
Aug 27: rewards check $10 Total = $1,059.46
Sept 14: Associated Content payment $4.49 Total = $1,063.95
Sept 18: payment $3.00 Total = $1,066.95
Sept 23: Amazon certificate for survey $10.00 Total = $1,076.95
Sept 28: Cox cable rebate $100.00 Total = $1,176.95
Oct 3: reward $10.00 Total = $1,186.95
Oct 16: Bonus for opening account $25 Total = $1,211.95
Oct 25: Discover card cash back $20 Total = $1,231.95
Oct 31: sale $7.48 Total = $1,239.43
Nov 5: sale $9.18 Total = $1,248.61
Nov 12: sale $6.46 Total = $1,255.07
Nov 13: reward $10 Total = $1,265.07
Nov 26: Discover cash back, two of them $40 Total = $1,305.07
Nov 30: Starbucks gift card reward $10 Total = $1,315.07

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

To Do list for 2007

I kinda give up on the 31 posts for January thing. It's making me feel guilty for not posting and I'd rather move on!

You know I don't do resolutions, but I have come up with a list of things to do in 2007. Some of them involve Mike, some are just for me.

To Do in 2007
* Get married
* Eat at a celebrity chef's restaurant (Bobby Flay, Wolfgang Puck, etc.)
* Attend the opera
* See a piano concert
* Continue my 2006 theme of Quality
* Live out my theme for 2007 Design: Make it pretty
* Have a craft design published again
* Do something at work worthy of adding to my resume
* Designate April as Career Readiness Month. Make a portfolio, update resume, etc.
* Save up and pay cash for my wedding.
* Get in shape for the wedding.

I know I'll add more as the year goes on. If anyone wants to go to an opera with me, you know how to contact me!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Jan 5 - 10

I’m a little behind with my 31 days of posts Here’s a quick run down.

January 5 — Habits and Personality Traits. Every niche attracts a certain type of people and a certain kind of customers. What do they have in common?

I think readers of my blog are all friends of mine! That’s my niche ;)

January 6 — Link to Posts that Stuck with You. Share the posts that have stayed with you.

One post that has stuck with me for a long time is Pam Barsky’s post about there being an infinite amount of creative and good ideas out there. Not to waste your time copying others. (if I can find the post again I’ll post it)

January 7 — Post a Quotation and Disagree with It.

“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” I’m no expert on love but I know that when you’re wrong, saying sorry is always right.

January 8 — Pose a Question. Make it one that you don’t know the answer to.

What is my crafty identity, or specialty? I hope to find the answer to this in 2007.

January 9 — Write a Post Based a Comment from Your Blog or Another. Pithy and insightful comments are everywhere. Use one to inspire a blog post.

Well I just discovered I had a bunch of comments that didn’t get posted! Thanks a lot blogger. Ellia was commenting about the Lemony Snicket books, and yes I have read all 13. When I first wrote created the goal there were only 11.

January 10 — Show off a Cool New Tool.

Hmm. That’s kind of funny cause today I talked to our E-Media guy about creating a new tool for our web site. It won’t happen until April. It’s just funny that I never use the word “tool” and yet today it’s all over the place!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Jan 4

Day 4 of 31 days of posts

January 4 — A Tour of Your Blog. Give a tour of your blog, the way you might give a tour of your home. Throw in a few memories.

Project Vicki is supposed to be a virtual representation of my goals, crafty aspirations, and a few of my own random thoughts. On the sidebar is a list of goals divided by category. Not to be missed is my ever-growing list of Accomplished Goals. I think it's pretty simple, although it needs some updating!

Jan 3

You may have noticed my dates and posts don't exactly match up. The new and powerful Blogger doesn't work on my computer at work. So all posting will be done from home. That is, until we get OSX at work.

From the 31 days of blog idea posts

January 3 — Predictions the 30,000 Foot View. So much about blogging is wide open, make a prediction about blogging or about your blog.

I think the reporting of blogs will slow down, as the hype decreases. Those who blogged before 2006 will continue to blog into 2007.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Jan 2

Continuting the 31 days of blog posts

January 2 — Words I Resolve to Avoid for a While. Every person and every industry has overused words. Pick few and write about why they’re off your list for 2007.

"yes dear" - while this is stereotypically used by husbands to their wives, I use this too. And it probably sounds condescending. I resolve to avoid this phrase for awhile.

"huh?" - I confess, I hate it when other people use this grunt instead of saying, "i didn't hear you, please repeat." But i can't change the world, I can only change myself. So I will use words like, "pardon me?" and "Excuse me, could you repeat that?"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

31 days of blog posts, Jan 1

Liz Strauss at Successful Blog posted a 31-day calendar of blog post ideas for January. It's a day late but here's my post for Jan 1.

January 1 — Blogtipping for January 1. Here’s how it works.

* Choose three bloggers you admire and link to them.
* List three reasons why you admire each one.
* Then add a tip at the end.

I get very excited when I see new posts from the following blogs:
Pretty Pretty Things
* The likeliehood of seeing something pink is pretty good.
* I see things on this site I don't see a million other places.
* She uses a "little miss" character on her bio page.

Tip: Add some chocolate brown products to the pink ones and I'm in heaven!

Posie Gets Cozy
* Love, love, love Alicia's photography.
* Love her aesthetic, her house is full of vignettes which has inspired my theme for 2007 - Make it Pretty
* She writes very honestly and humbly and I always feel better after reading a post.

Tip: My only suggestion would be to post more of her hubby Andy's work, he's a talented guy too!

On My Desk: Creative folk share the stuff on their desks
* You get to see other artists' work spaces.
* I love looking for organizing tips.
* The site is monitored by somebody so there's never promotional stuff.

Tip: Where's the post about my craft room? (oh wait, guess i should 'make it pretty' first)