Liz Strauss at Successful Blog posted a 31-day calendar of blog post ideas for January. It's a day late but here's my post for Jan 1.
January 1 — Blogtipping for January 1. Here’s how it works.
* Choose three bloggers you admire and link to them.
* List three reasons why you admire each one.
* Then add a tip at the end.
I get very excited when I see new posts from the following blogs:
Pretty Pretty Things
* The likeliehood of seeing something pink is pretty good.
* I see things on this site I don't see a million other places.
* She uses a "little miss" character on her bio page.
Tip: Add some chocolate brown products to the pink ones and I'm in heaven!
Posie Gets Cozy
* Love, love, love Alicia's photography.
* Love her aesthetic, her house is full of vignettes which has inspired my theme for 2007 - Make it Pretty
* She writes very honestly and humbly and I always feel better after reading a post.
Tip: My only suggestion would be to post more of her hubby Andy's work, he's a talented guy too!
On My Desk: Creative folk share the stuff on their desks
* You get to see other artists' work spaces.
* I love looking for organizing tips.
* The site is monitored by somebody so there's never promotional stuff.
Tip: Where's the post about my craft room? (oh wait, guess i should 'make it pretty' first)
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