Thursday, January 12, 2006

Theme for 2006

I stumbled acrosss SwirlyGirl's 52 Figments: A creative exercise for 2006. Each week she throws out a question and invites people to submit their responses. So of course I had to participate.

The first question is what is your theme for 2006?

After much deliberation, my theme for 2006 is Quality. Quality means several things.

At work quality is putting in a full day's work, getting ahead of deadlines, following up, and a good attitude.

Quality in the things I buy means that I purposefully decide to buy nice things (after researching and saving up for them)For example, i just bought some swank black boots with money i made selling books. They should last forever and are well made. Beautiful, well-made things are worth more money.

Quality in the way I present myself. Hundreds of episodes of What Not to Wear have shown me that the way I dress, makeup, and hairstyle reflect my personality. It's time to pay more attention to these areas, specifically makeup.

Quality decisions. Is this the smartest choice for me? Sometimes buying trendy shoes at payless is the best decision, since i need shoes now, and they'll be out of style next year.

I won't bore you anymore, but look for many good,smart decisions from me this year!

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