Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I must confess.

I just got back from the library, and I was looking for the following CDs:
Britney Spears
Melissa Manchester
The Eurythmics

Why? I'm looking for upbeat music for my ipod for when I exercise.
Yes, i said, EXERCISE.

I've started going for walks with a little jogging thrown in. I've only been doing it for a week, so it's not a habit yet, but I hope to make it one. I have not jogged since high school gym class, and it's fun! Of course, I am horribly out of shape and it takes a while to catch my breath, but already I'm seeing improvements. I will create an actual Goal in a few days for the blog. The jist is that I do this 3 times a week, and jog a certain distance for a month to build up stamina.

If anyone has suggestions for good exercise music, i'd like to hear it.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fabulous Friday!

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

It's Friday! Yippie.

I've been playing around with the macro settings on my camera. I'm not a wiz yet, but I think this orchid looks ok.

I've got nothing planned for the weekend. Is anyone out there doing something fun? Oh please comment and tell me about it.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

self-portrait tuesday

Vicki cleaning oven
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I skipped out on work today!

I did.

I went home at 2 and cleaned my oven. This is a picture of me wiping it down.

I also changed my blog template. The archives links weren't working and i couldn't figure it out, so i just decided to redo the whole thing.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pink tulips

Pink tulips
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I bought a pot of pink tulips last week and they are now in full bloom.

What could be sweeter than an empty, clean kitchen table with pink tulips!

I've been reading a book, Feeling at Home by Alexandra Stoddard (beautiful site, by the way) and it's all about making your home a place of beauty and comfort. Recognizing what colors, textures, light, and smells bring you the most peace. She says that she always has fresh flowers in her house. She makes a budget for it, she has decided it's important to her well being and just does it. Good idea.

I leave you with this quote from Alexandra
"No one has time, we have to take time."

Monday, March 13, 2006

A card for Megan

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I made this card for Megan tonight. It's her birthday this weekend. I sure hope she doesn't read my blog!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sweet pea Swap

I'm in!

Just under the wire I got a partner for the Sweet pea swap

The first theme is Paper-n-Ribbon, and I'm excited! My swap buddy is in california.
Image hosting by Photobucket

Thursday, March 09, 2006

call me "leather face"

I mentioned in the previous post that I ordered that fancy-pants Proactiv face cleansing "system." So, I tried it on Monday and yuck. I guess I am allergic to benzol peroxide. My face is all splotchy and feels like leather. I look like i've aged 20 years. Wonderful! What every girl wants! Did this happen to Jessica Simpson?

I called the customer service line and she refunded the amount to my account. And is sending out a benzol peroxide-free version of the "system." I didn't think to ask how much that would be. No doubt it's twice as much. Ain't that the way it goes.

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Year's Resolutions update

It's now March 6. Are you keeping up with your resolutions?

I don't make resolutions but you will remember that I did have a goal to get published in 2006. So far I have submitted one project, and I have made another one that i just need to submit somewhere. It's also probably a good time to send in christmas ideas.

I decided back in January that my theme for 2006 would be quality. And to that end, i recently had my eyebrows professionally waxed, sprang for that Proactiv stuff that every celeb uses, and spent a hefty amount (for me) on some "foundation clothes." I bought new makeup and have lots of food in the house. My apartment stays pretty clean and I even got my car washed. I think i'm doing ok. Next step in Quality Vicki is to buy some teeth whiteners and get a fricking haircut! And maybe get some exercise.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Craving spring

Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Every March I get a craving for spring. I buy a flowering plant, usually yellow, even if it's an outdoor plant that will die in a month. Something about having real flowers in the house.

I am craving spring.

What joy to wear anything but my old winter coat! To see the sun. Blue skies.

But, I will be content to look at this picture of flowers Mike gave me.