Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I must confess.

I just got back from the library, and I was looking for the following CDs:
Britney Spears
Melissa Manchester
The Eurythmics

Why? I'm looking for upbeat music for my ipod for when I exercise.
Yes, i said, EXERCISE.

I've started going for walks with a little jogging thrown in. I've only been doing it for a week, so it's not a habit yet, but I hope to make it one. I have not jogged since high school gym class, and it's fun! Of course, I am horribly out of shape and it takes a while to catch my breath, but already I'm seeing improvements. I will create an actual Goal in a few days for the blog. The jist is that I do this 3 times a week, and jog a certain distance for a month to build up stamina.

If anyone has suggestions for good exercise music, i'd like to hear it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pentonite! I used to run to certain Johnny Cash and Led Zeppelin songs. While classic, they do have some good grooves for getting you pumped.