Monday, July 24, 2006

Got to love MINI USA

Last week in the mail I received a black package with the following label on it:

Of course I cannot reveal the contents of the box, but you've got to love a car company that sends you goodies three years after you bought your car.

And speaking of MINI's, wait until I get some pictures developed and show you how I spent my Sunday afternoon!!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

another goal completed, update store logo

I finally bit the bullet and figured out how to make the design I wanted for my new etsy logo.

You can see it below and here at my shop.

But looking at my shop I can see it desperately needs some help. I'm almost embarassed to send anyone over there. The things I'm selling are certainly not my best work and why put more mediocre out into the world? 2006 is my year of quality, after all.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

good news, they want me!

One of the magazines I submitted a craft design to wants to publish my project! I just got the email today, and I don't have all the details, but it is so exciting!

I know there's a chance it won't publish, I know how the magazine biz is, but still, I'm really excited! I won't tell what the design is, but if you happen to be a friend of mine, one of "the girls," I made this for each of you last christmas. :)

strawberry buckle cake

strawberry buckle cake
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Even though it was 90 degrees all weekend, I decided to bake a strawberry buckle cake. The recipe is actually for blueberry buckle cake and I got it as part of my membership to the Mail order club from Amy of Angry Chicken fame.

It was pretty good but it is all gone now. :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

July goals update

It seems like I have a lot of goals in the sidebar, and some of them have been there awhile. I need to work on that.
Here's a summary of where I stand:

Wedding Fund: Just started opened the acct. When i get deposit slips will add $1005.
Learn Photoshop: No progress on this in months....I have to take the class during lunches at work, and most of the time i'd rather be eating lunch or reading the blogs!
Watch Woody Allen films: Only 3 left!
Get published in 2006: I've been submitting, but no takers.
Add items to etsy shop: I added 3, two more to go.
Update etsy logo: Chalk this one up to lack of computer skill.
Run 3x a week: Ugh.
Get outside each weekend: Yay! Been meeting this goal!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Goal met: emergency fund!

I reached another financial goal this weekend. I now have $5,000 in my savings account for emergencies. Goal accomplished.