Thursday, May 31, 2007

Change on the street contest

I challenged Mike to a contest. See who can find the most change on the ground. You know, when you see a penny but don’t bother to pick it up? Well, now we will.

I was inspired by this blog I posted about a while ago. This guy has found over $500 in two years. On the ground.

Here’s how it goes:
Change on the street contest
How to play: Pick up change on the sidewalk, street, parking lots, stores, anywhere it has been dropped.
1. Change that is lying around the apartment is off limits.
2. Change in your car doesn't count.
3. Keep track of the amount you find.
4. You get to keep the change and spend it anyway you want.
5. We're on the honor system.
The contest starts now and runs through June 30. Winner gets breakfast in bed.

Wanna join the contest? Leave a comment. Of course only Mike or I will win breakfast in bed, but if I know you maybe I’ll send you a prize.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Trips to KY

Mike's uncle got sick and passed away. We've made a lot of trips this year down to Kentucky to visit his family. The last time we went down I tried my hand at taking pictures of landmarks we always pass.

Here's the stacks from a power plant.

It might be hard to read, but this is a sign for "Bridges to the Past" I think it's so intriguing and one of these days we'll go to the Past!

Here's a picture of Ft. Knox. I hope it's legal to take pictures from the road!

We stopped at a riverboat casino in Indiana on the Ohio River. When we cashed out we got $100 bills. There's $800 there! I walked away with an extra $250 and Mike made about $400. It was great fun.
