Goal: Mike and I want to get outside for some kind of activity every weekend this summer.
June 10-11: Went to the irish fest and then had coffee outside at Jimmy's Cafe
June 17-18: Tossed the frisbe around and layed on the ground at Squire's castle
June 24-25: Lots of time outside Saturday by the pool.
July 1-2: More fun outside by the pool.
July 8-9: By the pool again. Last weekend. :(
July 15-16: Ok, it was way too hot to be outside. We considered a picnic but opted for AC.
July 22-23: We spent Sunday afternoon at the race track racing my MINI!
July 29-30: We went on a picnic by the lake and hung out at Edgewater Park
Aug 5-6: We walked to the library and to Tuesday Morning
Aug 12-13: Mike's company picnic was at the fairgrounds and I got very sunburned.
Aug 19-20:Went to a party at the farm and sat outside.
Aug 26-27:um...
Sept 2-4: We were in Kentucky this weekend. Went to Churchill Downs and walked around.
END OF SUMMER. We did pretty okay with this goal, only two weekends where we were lazy butts.