Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wedding organizer

Wedding organizer
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Hey, I've been crafty this week. This is a picture of the bag I'm using to organize my wedding planner, notebook, and files.

I took a black bag I got for free at a trade show and sewed pink felt on, then a flower design i had stitched long ago. Added some beads and ribbons and there you go!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My award

Award for Excellence
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

I received an award yesterday from the Public Relations Society of America's Technology section at their conference in NYC.

The inscription says "2006 Award for Excellence in Technology Journalism, Trade/Technical div, PRSA, Presented to Victoria Reitz, Medical Design, June 27, 2006.

Also got a check for $1,000. Yay for me!

I have pictures of the award ceremony at my flickr account

Monday, June 26, 2006

Goal: Get outside each weekend this summer

Goal: Mike and I want to get outside for some kind of activity every weekend this summer.

June 10-11: Went to the irish fest and then had coffee outside at Jimmy's Cafe
June 17-18: Tossed the frisbe around and layed on the ground at Squire's castle
June 24-25: Lots of time outside Saturday by the pool.
July 1-2: More fun outside by the pool.
July 8-9: By the pool again. Last weekend. :(
July 15-16: Ok, it was way too hot to be outside. We considered a picnic but opted for AC.
July 22-23: We spent Sunday afternoon at the race track racing my MINI!
July 29-30: We went on a picnic by the lake and hung out at Edgewater Park
Aug 5-6: We walked to the library and to Tuesday Morning
Aug 12-13: Mike's company picnic was at the fairgrounds and I got very sunburned.
Aug 19-20:Went to a party at the farm and sat outside.
Aug 26-27:um...
Sept 2-4: We were in Kentucky this weekend. Went to Churchill Downs and walked around.

END OF SUMMER. We did pretty okay with this goal, only two weekends where we were lazy butts.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A long overdue post

Gabrielle's Christmas present
Originally uploaded by vreitz.

Here is a picture of the present I made and gave to my cousin's kid, Gabrielle. It took a while to get the pictures developed because this was taken before I had a digital camera.

Inside the box is a purse I made, some earrings I made, and personalized stationery. I decorated the box and made the "G" hang tag.

It was a hit because she asked if I could have her name again next Christmas!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Goal: Update Resume

Goal: Update resume by July 1. Just because it's been a while. And I have an award to add! :)

DONE! june 15

Goal: Add items to Etsy shop

Goal: Add items to Etsy shop

I want to add 5 items to my etsy shop by July 1

June 21: Relisted 3 items.
Aug 17: Listed a pink box
Nov: added Emergency Greeting Card kits and individual note cards.

Goal Accomplished

Monday, June 12, 2006

I won an award!

Last year one of my goals was to write an award-worthy article. I believed that I met that goal, and this week I found out that one of my feature articles won an award!

The Award for Excellence in Technology Journalism is given by the Public Relations Society of America, Technology Division.

The BEST part is it comes with a $1,000 cash prize! And guess where that money is going? Straight into the Wedding Fund and earmarked for my wedding dress. Yes, I am giving myself permission to spend up to $1,000 on a dress. (frankly, i know i won't spend that much, but it feels good just to know I CAN)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Goal: Update Etsy Logo

Goal: Update Etsy Logo

I need to update the crappy logo I have up on my storefront. I'd like to update it by July 1

UPDATE:A little later than I planned, July 19, but I figured it out in Photoshop and it's up on the site.

Goal: Run three times a week

Goal: Run three times a week

The plan is to run three times a week, in the morning before doing anything else, and before it gets hot.

I need to find some kind of reward or punishment.
Maybe if I do it for two weeks straight, I splurge on coffee. Or for a month, buy some new clothing. Any suggestions? I believe goals should be measurable, but i'm not sure how to measure this ongoing goal.

Wedding Blog!

You knew I'd do it.

I started another blog for posting wedding ideas. I'm just getting started so keep looking for more stuff.