So here I am at the start of another year.
Project Vicki is still going strong, with many accomplishments and constant revisions.
That's why I don't generally make new year's resolutions, I feel like I continually reevaluate my life all the time, not just on Jan. 1.
But I do like to pick out a theme for the year. Last year my theme was to put out a lot of good karma. Purposefully do nice things for people without any expectations. And I think I did that throughout the year, so now it's ingrained. Not that I'm some saint always doing good...
This year's theme is "cut the bullsh!t." I would like to face my fear of guns and actually hold one and fire it. I want to buy a computer. I want to reach my emergency money fund goal. I want to pay off the credit card debt. This is stuff I've been talking about for way too long. Cut the bull and do it already. This also extends to work - eliminating things that waste my time, and to home - finding better storage solutions and getting rid of more stuff.